Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Growly Notes: A Free Alternative To OneNote For Mac Users

free alternatives to onenote
If you’re a Mac user and have been looking for a free alternative to Microsoft’s OneNote, GrowlyBird Software has the perfect solution. The note-taking and planning app, Growly Notes makes it easy to create individual notebooks with colour coded sections, sub-sections, with the ability to add images, PDF, text, audio and movie files directly into the document. The app also comes with several ready-made templates making it easy to dive right in and use Growly Notes in a variety of ways.

11:37 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

3 Tools For Managing Your Photos In Dropbox [Mac]

photos in dropbox
Recently it was reported that the popular file sharing site, Dropbox, went from 4 million users to 25 million users in a little over a year. Dropbox is one of MUO‘s favorite free services (see our other articles here), simply because it enables users to quickly sync, access, and share your uploaded files from any Wi-Fi or 3G connected computer or supporting mobile device.
For us Apple iOS users, the Dropbox application is one of the best solutions for syncing images between your computer and one or more mobile devices. In addition, there are a couple of other iOS apps that picture-taking iPhone users will want to have as part of their mobile repertoire.

11:19 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

5 Simple Apps That Let You Do More With Evernote

do more with evernote
When you test as much software as I do on a fairly regular basis, you tend to notice which apps you rely on and which ones fall off your radar after a while.Evernote, which is a handy note-taking and web clipping utility, isn’t necessarily one of those apps that I’ve been using regularly, but it is one that I keep coming back to again and again, and I’m always looking for ways to incorporate it into my routine.

11:14 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

Monday, June 27, 2011

Taptu: A Multi-Platform Mobile News Reader & Curator [iOS & Android]

00-Taptu-News.jpgNews reading is becoming a trend again, thanks to the iPad and its list of available beautiful news readers: FlipboardZite, and Pulse, to name a few. They give new life to the old news feeding technology and shows us that tablets and mobile devices are natural born news readers. If you look at the available alternatives, it seems that most of the good readers are made only for iOS devices. But there are exceptions, and one of them is Taptu: a multi-platform mobile news feed reader and curator available for iOS and Android.
Since I don’t have access to an Android device, all of the screenshots below were taken on an iOS device. There will be slight interface differences on an Android phone.

4:56 PM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

The 7 Most Popular Items Most Commonly Sold On Craigslist

popular items on craigslist
The original Craigslist was created in 1995 by Craig Newmark as an email list for his friends in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 1996 it became a web-based service and today it is one of the most popular free online classifieds service worldwide, although it is nowhere as popular as in North America.
Craigslist has it all. Whether you are looking for friends, a job, an apartment, a hair stylist, or a ride, you will find a matching category. While you can find almost anything on Craigslist, some items are more likely to be found than others. Let’s have a look at some popular items most commonly sold on Craigslist.

4:10 PM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

Friday, June 24, 2011

8 Top Twitter Track Tools to Organize the People You Follow

Here’s a rundown of eight of the best Twitter tracking apps to help you keep track of your friends and followers, and decide among them who are adding value to your usage of one of the world’s most popular social networking tools.The proliferation of tools created to support Twitter is astounding due to the early adoption and usage of the Twitter API by developers worldwide.  While there are plenty of web applications to choose from to analyze and visualize your activity with Twitter, the Twitter tracking apps that help you manage all of your friends and followers with ease are indispensable.

11:32 PM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

How To Build a Mind Map In Microsoft Word

MindmapIt is said that an average person has 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts in a day. Of course, a genius might have more than you and I, but the figure mentioned was the hypothetical traffic that goes on in our brain. Our thoughts rarely go from Point A to Point B in a straight line. More likely, they flit about like a firefly caught in a jar.
This is where a tool like a Mind Map comes in use. A mind map is not a case sheet for a psychologist but simply a diagram that helps to connect related ideas or concepts around a central thought.
Try it out if you haven’t before”¦it is a great idea-capturing device to bring some order to the chaos that’s our brain.

By putting down ideas or thoughts on a mind map, the brain is encouraged to think from every aspect. A mind map also encourages brainstorming. It forces the brain to think in terms of relationships between ideas rather than forcing everything into hierarchies or lists. The bottom line about mindmapping is that it’s all about “˜visuals’ — words connected to graphical elements that makes it easy for us to take in large amount of data.
There are specialized applications for creating mind maps. But the simplest tool could be a paper and some pens. The second simplest when you don’t have software installed could be to create a mind map in MS 

2:05 PM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Buffer App For Firefox: The Easiest Way To Schedule Tweets From A Web Page

We have had numerous Tweet-scheduling apps reviewed and tips shared on MUO including this round-up of the best tools to schedule tweets. We have also profiled Buffer App as well. However it deserves a more thorough look because it does offer an innovative approach to updating your Twitter account.
I am sure for many people, your process looks similar to mine. I start working by going through all shared news, email subscriptions and updates from blogs I follow. This is the time when I actually want to tweet a lot. Then I start working and try not to get distracted by sharing anything on Twitter. Obviously, I don’t want to tweet dozens of good stories within an hour – that’s where various Twitter scheduling tools might come in handy. However scheduling takes more time than I usually have. Besides, it somehow makes tweeting less fun because you get distracted from the normal Twitter flow by the need to think about when you want the tweet to go live.

10:15 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

How To Download All Videos From A YouTube Playlist

intro.pngA bit after I figured out that there is a wealth ofprogramming tutorials on YouTube, I thought it might be a good idea to download them all so I can view them on the go on my mobile devices. Since the majority of these videos have been kindly organized into neat playlists, the question now seemed to be whether there is a way to download whole playlists. I certainly wasn’t the only one to ask this question. In fact, our readers have also wondered the same thingon the Answers community.
Today, we’ll go over two ways you can download entire playlists, one which should make Firefox users ecstatic, and another Windows program which presents some handy options for mass video downloaders.

10:06 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

Kinect Fun Labs – Free Interactive Gadgets For Your Kinect & Xbox 360

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) comes and goes each year with new games, hardware, planned releases and the occasional freebie. This year Microsoft announced Kinect Fun Labs, a collection of “gadgets” that somewhat resemble highly polishedKinect hacks, free for your Xbox 360.
There’s only a few of these gadgets available at the moment, though Microsoft intends to keep adding new activities and mini games including the upcoming Avatar Kinect, a 3D chat innovation that can read facial expressions (and doesn’t require you to stand up!).
Kinect Fun Labs is downloadable from the 360′s in-built Marketplace and accessed via the Kinect Hub, so make sure you’ve plugged in your all-seeing-eye before you try and play.

9:59 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

Monday, June 20, 2011

How To Recover An Unsaved MS Word 2010 Document In Seconds

recover word document
The general consensus is that most mishaps on our working with computers occur because of carelessness and an itchy trigger happy finger. It’s a bitter lesson that’s taught to us while working on documents like MS Word, MS Excel, or any other like MS PowerPoint. The lesson says – save and save early.
Even with the right MS Office etiquette in place, documents disappear from the screen before you can save them. The notorious Windows system crash or your house power on the blink could cause you to lose your work before you can click on save. Lot of times we also tend to close an unsaved document after taking a printout. So, how can you recover that unsaved MS Office document and restore your work (and also save yourself from a hair-tearing apoplectic attack)?
We turn to a little Microsoft Office 2010 feature that lets us recover document drafts in a second.

9:31 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0

5 Baby Steps To Learning CSS & Becoming A Kick-Ass CSS Sorcerer

learn css
CSS is the single most important change webpages have seen in the last decade, and it paved the way for the separation of style and content. In the modern way, XHTML defines the semantic structure – the meaning and content of the webpage, while CSS concerns itself with the presentation. While most of us are comfortable writing a little HTML, we seem to think that CSS is some kind of black magic. I hope to change that with these 5 baby-steps to becoming a CSS sorcerer.
This article is aimed at users who have very little experience with CSS yet, though hopefully there is something here for everyone. Before you start playing with CSS, you may want to download our fantastic free beginner guide to XHTML.

9:24 AM by Hossam Elsalamy · 0